I completely failed on my April Resolutions. Well, not completely – but, let’s have a recap before I decide what I’m going to do in May, because I didn’t take into account what I was doing in RL in April. Combined with moving to Devon, renovating the parental units’ house and taking up a market stall and having to have good available for it, I haven’t had as much time to knit as I would like.
April Resolutions Recap
I have definitely forgotten what these were, so here was the list.
- Knit three different sock patterns.
- Knit something with beads in it.
- Find a suitable pattern for Wonder-Mum‘s Big Birthday.
- Make a wool hackle.
In my update mid-April, I decided to scrap numbers 2 and 4, so I did that quite cheerfully and moved on. I started…two sock patterns, the Cadence Socks and Business Casual. I did not finish either of these. I did an amount of searching for Wonder-Mum‘s Big Birthday, and I haven’t made a decision yet. This is mainly because I don’t know if she would appreciate a knitted something…so we will work on that.

So – I didn’t complete a single one, and I only made slight progress on one and two.
May Resolutions
Taking into account the fact that I didn’t get any finished on my April Resolutions, I’m keeping May simple.
- Finish the socks currently on the needles.
- Launch my new website.
- Set-up new craft room in house.
I’m excited about setting up the craft room. I think there is some friction between my ideas for it and Wonder-Mum‘s ideas for how it should look. We were going to share craft rooms, but with my affinity for fibre and mum’s love of paint, we decided we wouldn’t mix well. It will be worked on, but only in the latter half of the month once I have gone to my first market and tried to make some money!

Are you doing resolutions? Join Mr Linky and I in a link-up!
Much love,
Corrie xx