Introducing Artemis.
I have recently made a new friend, and for my new friend, whom we shall call Hot Wheels, I made a felt parrot. Although we met under a month ago, it didn’t take long for me to realise that Hot Wheels loves parrots – the following cake her mother made for her birthday, a parrot onesie and the general frequency with which she mentions parrots were a good indicator.

Artemis the Fowl
This may seem off-topic, but I reset my Pinterest the other day, and in doing so I discovered a tutorial for turning felt into parrots. I adapted it ever so slightly, but not a lot – the original tutorial is here, and I changed it by blowing up the template 200% so the final Artemis was a lot bigger than the pirate parrot in the tutorial.
What did put me off was that the author said that it would take seven hours to make – as I wasn’t trying to make it up as I went, I found that it was a lot faster than their time, so don’t let that deter you. This is a good example of how long it can take to write something, and how quick it can make someone else’s job, so I would like to take a moment to thank the author, Britta J, sincerely for their help.
I did all the machine sewing in about 15 minutes (including cutting out time) and all the hand sewing was done on the train on the way to London. Artemis was completed in just under two hours, and I adore him. He rode on my shoulder for three days until he was presented to Hot Wheels – upon entering her flat, which is adorned in parrot toys, pictures and general parrot geekery, I realised he was coming home.
Next time I make one of these, or anything in felt, I’ll probably use a lot more beads and bits to add more glamour; but the feathers make it really special, and you will all be seeing a lot more feathers in my crafting!
As you can see, still no knitting going on – I have no yarn in London and I will not buy any, so I still have about a week before I’ll have anything to show you. You’ll have to enjoy my hexagons until then!
Much love,
Your parrot is so cute! You are very talented. Looking forward to seeing more of your knitting.
Love it!