I can’t believe it is February already. Well, OK, it’s not yet…I still have some hours of January left, but I intend to spend them and the first few days of Feb rearranging things in our house and knitting, so….!
Before I continue with resolutions and other such delights, I want to celebrate that my monthly resolutions have now been going for 12 months!! I started in March 2013 (that post can be found here) and I had no idea it would turn into what it has…I’m so happy that I have had the resolve to keep it going (!) and found a lovely group of people to work at it with me.
February Resolutions
My resolutions for this month are going to a little boring to read about, as I only intend to continue what I started in January…apart from one resolution, which involves test knitting…
- Finish the Weasley Sweater
- Get to lace section on Erquy
- Get to sleeves on Garland
- Complete test-knit for Christine from Harmonic Oscillator Knits
- Finish spinning the roving I started in January
See? I will post the progress photos I posted on Wednesday as well, but you’ve seen them all before…and I think there’s going to be a lot of that!
It’s just as well it’s going to be a short month.
I guess it follows that I ought to say how I did in January…
January Resolutions Recap
So my resolutions and their progress were:
1. Cast on the Weasley Sweater. Completed!
2. Cast on Garland. Completed!
3. Spin 50 g. Erm…managed about 25g…
4. Cast on Lace Dress. Switched to Erquy, and completed!
5. Knit something for friends baby due on 20th January. Completed.
I’m quite pleased with this – I haven’t done so well in my resolutions for a long time. So, how do I intend to complete them in February?
Ravellenic Games
That’s right – with the Winter Olympics in Sochi come the Ravellenic Games! I am joining in with Team Resolute and will be casting on with the opening ceremony on the 7th of February. Disclaimer: I may not do it live as I do have a pesky day job…
I will be entering the Weasley Sweater and the test knit (which is called The Sands of Time).
If you want to get involved, come join us here!
Much love,
Corrie xx
I might just have to join the resolutions group! I do this myself every month, just not publicly on the blog.
I’m looking forward to the games! I have my projects figured out (I think)