Cute or Evil Bunny…

I’m in the process of re-making a bobble bunny which I promised a friend, Les, way back in October (sorry, sorry, sorry). I did make all of the required items – but I decided I hated them, and I never sent them. These were done in a mochimochi style, and although I didn’t have a problem with the pattern itself, I just hated my execution.

Anyway, I found the cutest alternative bunny pattern on Sunday, as mentioned before.

Cute or evil little bunny? (Copyright John S)
Cute or evil little bunny? (Copyright John S)

I knitted the first one as a tester in white. I didn’t modify the pattern at all, which is fairly unusual for me, apart from using a felt backing for the face. The simple reason was that I wasn’t at home when I made the bunny, and didn’t have any felt.

I embroidered the eye with brown embroidery floss. I don’t have any black to embroider the pupils just yet, and JS tweeted the following this morning:

Latest creation by my girlfriend – cute or evil? – JS, on Twitter

What do you think? I’ll give the general consensus later in the week. I’ve had a large number of opinions already!

I think it’s kinda cute…but then again, it did spawn Frank, so perhaps I’m not one to judge, as he is undoubtedly scary.

The bunny (pictured above sitting in a vanilla candle) is going to be made into something useful, as I hate having ‘things’ lying around. Maybe a key-ring? This is where I regret making it in white!

Anyway, I’d better get on with the rest of the bunnies so I can send them to Les and make some little girls happy, hopefully! I have to do piggies as well. Watch this space for the progress; it’s going quite well at the moment, and my ability to sew up seams has improved immensely!

Much love,

Corrie xx

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10 Responses to Cute or Evil Bunny…

  1. Corrie says:

    Ashley on Facebook: Looks a bit too much like the rabbit from Donnie Darko:

  2. Corrie says:

    Nic on Twitter: Definitely evil.

  3. Corrie says:

    Matt on Twitter: Undeniably evil.

  4. Corrie says:

    Vix on Twitter: Sorry Corrie, I’m definitely in the evil camp.. It’s the eyes!

  5. JS says:

    Eeeeevil!! It’s that “I know something you don’t muahahaha” smirk!

  6. Grumpy says:

    EVIL!!!! It’s the red eyes! Anything with red eyes is evil…eg. Voldemort. If Anya saw this bunny she would run way screaming I’m afraid…

  7. Corrie says:

    Charlie on Twitter: I think it’s cute.

  8. Corrie says:

    Aunty Rae on Facebook: Love those bunnies… come on… wrap them up and deliver!!!

  9. Corrie says:

    @EveofInsanity on Twitter: Evil.

  10. Corrie says:

    @katho37 on Twitter: Evil.

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