10th January 2013 – THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! The winner is Megan P. You will have received an email about this, congratulations! Much love, Corrie xx
I am pleased to announce that it is time for the next Plutonium Muffins giveaway. This time, in celebration of the first blogoversary, I am going to do one of my birthday boxes. What is a birthday box? Well…
The Plutonium Muffins Birthday Box
The PM Birthday Box is going to be a knitters special*. I’m going to put a rough list of things here – but depending on the winners location and personal preferences, it may change. For example, one of the first things I will put in there will be edibles of some description – however, if you live in Australia or somewhere else where food imports are restricted, this will obviously be impossible.
Without further ado, the List.
One 50 g ball of Kidsilk Haze in the winner’s choice of either marmalade, jelly or cream**.
A set of bamboo knitting needles in the winner’s choice of size.
A variety of miniature balls of yarn for knitting into hexipuffs or similar.
To add to the box, as I do in all the birthday boxes, you will also get:
Something to whet your appetite, handmade and delicious.
Relaxation sensations – a spa remedy to chill out with.
Aromatic pleasure, in a form that will be useful to you.
Something pretty; a delight to look at.
It has been difficult deciding what photos to take for this – as most of the goodies depend on the winner’s preference, I don’t really have specific things picked out. The contents of the box WILL vary, so please don’t take them as gospel! (The crocodile brooch belongs to my mother. You ain’t getting it!)
A selection of things you could get in a birthday box…if your name was Corrie and you liked 85% dark chocolate!
I am excited about this, I love preparing these packages and I can’t wait to put it together. So how do you enter?
Entering the Giveaway
Leave a comment on this post with one way of relaxing that makes you really, really happy. For example, mine might be this.
Putting my feet up with a bunny on my lap, hot cup of Earl Grey tea next to me, wrapped in a warm afghan and listening to the iMakepodcast while doodling in my ideas book.
Mmmm a nice cuppa tea (Copyright Liz Steel)
Or my other favourite…
Being really, really stressed and anxious, and wanting to hide in my bed, but forcing myself to get up and have a shower. The moment the shower turns on, the day begins again.
The giveaway is open to everyone from anywhere, and will close on the 10th of January, 2013(!) The winner will be contacted via email or Ravelry, so please make sure you leave contact details. I will be away from the 20th of December to the 2nd of January, so will not be able to answer questions during that time – but please feel free to leave any, which I will answer outside of this period.
Much love and very best of luck,
Corrie xx
* I am aware not all of you are knitters. If you give it a go and you win, but you don’t actually want any further paraphenalia, I would be happy to make it your-hobby-specific. After all, I work in a hobby shop now, I must know all the things!
** This giveaway is kindly sponsored by the Stash Trunk, and will not, unfortunately, extend to colours beyond this. If you would like an alternative yarn and you win, I will be happy to discuss options with you.
I have a couple of ways I love to relax but my favourite is sat on the couch with my fabulous husband, a good drink, some chocolate, my current crochet project and a good episode of any tv programme I like!
Arriving at a cottage in the middle of nowhere in the Lake District after a terrible journey (and a couple of really terrible months), to find that some of our friends were already there. The fire was lit, the kettle was on, there was a bottle of port open and the first part of lord of the rings was on the telly (oh, and for some reason this place came with free dressing gowns). I sat down in front of a roaring blaze with my free dressing gown on, was handed a cup of tea and a glass of port and I was utterly content.
Oh wow, I have so many favorite ways to relax! (One of which is NSFW–LOL, pretty sure that you can figure it out without pictures!) I like to sit down with a good book and scream about typos and bad grammar and didn’t-anybody-actually-READ-this-before-they-went-to-the-expense-of-printing-it?!?!? :-) I love to sit down with a brand new skein of yarn and the needles (or hook) and start a new project. Or a bag filled with old yarn and finish an old project! And of course there must be music playing in the background (the type of music depends on my mood at that particular second, anything from Celtic to 80s rock and everything in between). Best of all is doing anything (or nothing at all) with my best friends!
I don’t envy you getting to choose the winner on this, but hey — what a great way to get new ideas for relaxing! ♥
My favorite way to relax is to crawl into a nice warm fluffy bed, put a romcom on the DVD player and snuggle down and sleep! No interruptions!!!!! Or a nice long relaxing massage. I also like being on a float in the middle of the lake on a calm warm sunny day with a frosty beverage :)
Coffee. I am not a morning person, and the daily ritual from stumbling, protesting sleepily, out of bed and to the kitchen to load the machine? And then puttering around doing things I never remember doing until the machine gives its very strident, yet insanely cheerful sounding beeps? And fixing my mug the way I like it and pouring in the amazingly scented, hot steaming crack caffeinated consciousness and just holding it in my hands, breathing in the smell? Yeah, that’s one of the best things about the day. Every day. Being able to sneak in a cup of decaf after noon is a real treat too. :D
Wow, what a fab giveaway, when I get a chance to relax at this time of year I luv to curl up in my duvet on the sofa with a steaming mug of hot chocolate (sometimes with a teeny bit of baileys in it), a good comedy on the tv and my crochet project bag within easy reach.
My most favourite way of relaxing is sitting in my armchair with my feet up on the footstool, the dog curled in my lap, a big mug of Yorkshire Tea next to me (don’t forget the choccy biccies) and my knitting…….
It may sound strange, but it is very relaxing to me to re-organise stuff: take out all my yarn/ beads/ books/ teacups, put them in order and make a pretty display of them. It empties my head and of course I take plenty of time for tea and chocolate ;)
Love a chair in the sunny Arizona room to sit in with feet up, cup of tea, starting a new project. I love new projects. I have so much lovely yarns I want to try out so something that uses less than three or four skeins so I can start another project soon. I have startitis.
If I’m ever stressed, you will find me in my tub. If I were rich, I would live at the beach. Not to lay in the sun, mind you, but to watch the waves. There is something about water that is so comforting to me.
Relax? What’s that! To get a good start…I find somewhere quiet (somewhere that the 4 boys aren’t!)…Grab a big cup of cocoa…find something mindless on television and knit something soft. Now that it is chilly, make sure a fire is going nearby!
Normally I would say: give me a good book and some chai tea with hot (almond) milk and let me be. But just this afternoon I just finished my book with a sort of emotional ending. While making myself a hot cocoa, I picked up the mail and guess what? It was a tiny get well card drawn and written by the 7 year old daughter of a dear friend. Ain’t that sweet?
Happy knitting all! Ciao, Fleur (Fleurtje-Eliza on Ravelry)
I guess I am most relaxed and content when I have all of my work done and out of the way (which rarely happens; being a high school teacher) and I can simply relax and enjoy some time with my husband and fur-baby. Sitting on the recliner couch with Roxy (my Cavvy) in my lap and my husband close by, watching a good movie or TV show, snacking on some homemade goodies, and getting some stress-free knitting done. If I were to finish the project too, that would make me extra happy, and I would then spend some time picking out the pattern and yarn for my next project!
Thank you for such a fun giveaway!
Well, my favorite way to relax is… putting the kids to bed and not hearing them scream in their room… then turning on the television for background noise… getting out a spindle and just sitting on the couch spinning… it is the best stress reliever :)
My favourite way to relax is to get around the kitchen table with a few good knitterly friends, a big pot of tea and home made cakes/scones and knit and natter a couple of hours away. No kids, dogs, phones etc,…. just good old fashioned talking,…and plenty of laughing too !
One of my favorite ways to relax is to curl up on the couch with my two dogs (after they have been on a long walk to tire them out), grab my current knitting or crochet project, click on the TV, and just knit or crochet away to my heart’s desire.
I love a to relax with a good movie, blanket and my husband… and is he isn’t home, a cocktail, my knitting and kitties! Thanks for the chance! jayellesea on Rav
what a lovely give away :)
my favorite way to relax is to close the curtains at the end of a day, make a cup of coffee, settle down in my rocking chair and start my knitting ..bliss. I know its not much but to me it is heaven on earth :)
WoolyTanis on Rav
My favourite way to relax is to put on a good movie then curl up in the armchair, with a large mug of hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows and fresh whipped cream.
Great giveaway! Thanks!
My way to relax is to put in the earbuds and play something from the disco era–Bee Gees or ELO especially. Shut my eyes and lay back on the couch. No outside sounds, no outside sights, no outside sensations other than music which was made specifically for dancing. Soon I am tapping my feet, bobbing my head, and completely re-energized. I am absolutely convinced no one can be stressed listening to fun music.
I find gardening really relaxing. I can clear my head while deadheading, watching the butterflies and bees amongst the flowers, pulling up little weeds, and then enjoying the fruits (and veggies and flowers) of my labours. That’s the zen of growing things. Can’t wait til spring!
This one is easy. Wrapped up in my hand crochet afghan that my grams made me (its all I have left of her), with a hot coffee close at hand (plenty of creamer), my 10 year old puppy curled up in my lap sound asleep from my giving her ear and/or belly rubs. She makes a good lap warmer. Usually I might have a book handy or a knitting WIP. The hubby is usually banished to the computer room and the TV is unplugged. Just peace and quiet, except for the occasional woof in her sleep from the puppy.
Great idea Rowan KSH (I love it!) and Magic Ball! Brilliant!
My idea of relax is sitting on bed browsing Ravelry and being surrounded by ten different yarns and set of bamboo circular needle and try to swatch six different stitch patterns at the same time. For hours. With a couple of Nespresso espressos by the side. And some dark chocolate too.
My favourite way to relax is with a hot cup of Earl Grey or a hot chocolate, sitting on the couch or a comfy chair, wrapped in a blanket with a book or my laptop to browse Ravelry :)
Thank you for the generous giveaway. My favorite way to relax is to look at all the wonderful knitting and crochet patterns and the beautiful yarns available for crafters on the internet. I think of all the people I love and the many gifts I dream of creating for them, and am filled with gratitude for the many blessings in my life, and also for the creativity and generosity of spirit I have discovered among the crafting community.
What an awesome giveaway – thank you for running this! :)
After a stressful day of lectures, I like to curl up in bed with my laptop and movie/TV show of choice (usually Downton Abbey), a steaming mug of tea and some chocolate readily available, and my knitting in hand! I also like to use my scented neck cushion, especially in the lead-up to exams, to prevent any tension developing.
My favorite way of relaxing is to curl up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, a mindless knitting project to work on, and a hot cup of mocha. On the tv would be a comedy show to watch while knitting.
Thank you for the give-away. strawberrykid on ravelry
One of my favourite ways to relax is floating on my back in the lake. I’ve managed to fall asleep like that more than once (and I’m not talking about with a floatation device).
My favorite way to relax is with my feet up in the evening, watching television with my husband and knitting a warm shawl or scarf to keep the chill of the desert nights away.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. alyceel on Ravelry
Me, I like to relax by taking a walk around my subdivision late in the afternoon, a ginger candy on my tongue, hoping to see some of the neighborhood cats sitting in their driveways.
I like to relax in my chair in front of my computer. Wearing my fuzzy robe is the best and having a space heater to keep me warm definitely helps. I knit and surf the internet. Only thing that would make it better would be for me to have a kitty but unfortunately my lease does not allow it :(
My favourite way to relax is definitely curled up on the couch, with a plain sock to knit in a lovely yarn, cup of tea and dark chocolate on the table next to me. If I’m not too stressed, then a book is nice too…
It USED to be in the bath with a favourite book, but knitting is better..except the yarn doesn’t like the bath water much….
My favourite way to relax is to go for a long walk by the sea, listen to the gulls and sea lions, smell the ocean, hear the waves break and feel the mist on my face and taste the salt. Pure heaven!
My way to relax after a long, stressful day at work is to take a hot shower with my favorite peppermint scrub. Then I put on some very worn but comfy pj’s, fix some herbal tea, pull out a wip and start knitting. Usually, my Himalayan cat, Socrates, has to sit on the arm of my chair watching and purring to get petted!!
Corrie's blog about fibre crafts, followed by whatever other creative pursuits take my fancy. A healthy source of fibre! Originally inspired by Pluto and Canadian Muffins.
Wow!!! What an amazing giveaway.
I have a couple of ways I love to relax but my favourite is sat on the couch with my fabulous husband, a good drink, some chocolate, my current crochet project and a good episode of any tv programme I like!
Arriving at a cottage in the middle of nowhere in the Lake District after a terrible journey (and a couple of really terrible months), to find that some of our friends were already there. The fire was lit, the kettle was on, there was a bottle of port open and the first part of lord of the rings was on the telly (oh, and for some reason this place came with free dressing gowns). I sat down in front of a roaring blaze with my free dressing gown on, was handed a cup of tea and a glass of port and I was utterly content.
Oh wow, I have so many favorite ways to relax! (One of which is NSFW–LOL, pretty sure that you can figure it out without pictures!) I like to sit down with a good book and scream about typos and bad grammar and didn’t-anybody-actually-READ-this-before-they-went-to-the-expense-of-printing-it?!?!? :-) I love to sit down with a brand new skein of yarn and the needles (or hook) and start a new project. Or a bag filled with old yarn and finish an old project! And of course there must be music playing in the background (the type of music depends on my mood at that particular second, anything from Celtic to 80s rock and everything in between). Best of all is doing anything (or nothing at all) with my best friends!
I don’t envy you getting to choose the winner on this, but hey — what a great way to get new ideas for relaxing! ♥
My favorite way to relax is to crawl into a nice warm fluffy bed, put a romcom on the DVD player and snuggle down and sleep! No interruptions!!!!! Or a nice long relaxing massage. I also like being on a float in the middle of the lake on a calm warm sunny day with a frosty beverage :)
Coffee. I am not a morning person, and the daily ritual from stumbling, protesting sleepily, out of bed and to the kitchen to load the machine? And then puttering around doing things I never remember doing until the machine gives its very strident, yet insanely cheerful sounding beeps? And fixing my mug the way I like it and pouring in the amazingly scented, hot steaming
crackcaffeinated consciousness and just holding it in my hands, breathing in the smell? Yeah, that’s one of the best things about the day. Every day. Being able to sneak in a cup of decaf after noon is a real treat too. :DWow, what a fab giveaway, when I get a chance to relax at this time of year I luv to curl up in my duvet on the sofa with a steaming mug of hot chocolate (sometimes with a teeny bit of baileys in it), a good comedy on the tv and my crochet project bag within easy reach.
My most favourite way of relaxing is sitting in my armchair with my feet up on the footstool, the dog curled in my lap, a big mug of Yorkshire Tea next to me (don’t forget the choccy biccies) and my knitting…….
Oh, and I almost forgot – the kids (teenagers) are OUT of the house!!
It may sound strange, but it is very relaxing to me to re-organise stuff: take out all my yarn/ beads/ books/ teacups, put them in order and make a pretty display of them. It empties my head and of course I take plenty of time for tea and chocolate ;)
Love a chair in the sunny Arizona room to sit in with feet up, cup of tea, starting a new project. I love new projects. I have so much lovely yarns I want to try out so something that uses less than three or four skeins so I can start another project soon. I have startitis.
If I’m ever stressed, you will find me in my tub. If I were rich, I would live at the beach. Not to lay in the sun, mind you, but to watch the waves. There is something about water that is so comforting to me.
Relax? What’s that! To get a good start…I find somewhere quiet (somewhere that the 4 boys aren’t!)…Grab a big cup of cocoa…find something mindless on television and knit something soft. Now that it is chilly, make sure a fire is going nearby!
Thanks for the fun!
Yhime407 on Ravelry
I love to relax on my couch with cat beside me, dog at my feet, knitting, while listening to podcasts with a cup of hot broth at my side.
Or get a massage.
Great giveaway, honestly!
Normally I would say: give me a good book and some chai tea with hot (almond) milk and let me be. But just this afternoon I just finished my book with a sort of emotional ending. While making myself a hot cocoa, I picked up the mail and guess what? It was a tiny get well card drawn and written by the 7 year old daughter of a dear friend. Ain’t that sweet?
Happy knitting all! Ciao, Fleur (Fleurtje-Eliza on Ravelry)
I guess I am most relaxed and content when I have all of my work done and out of the way (which rarely happens; being a high school teacher) and I can simply relax and enjoy some time with my husband and fur-baby. Sitting on the recliner couch with Roxy (my Cavvy) in my lap and my husband close by, watching a good movie or TV show, snacking on some homemade goodies, and getting some stress-free knitting done. If I were to finish the project too, that would make me extra happy, and I would then spend some time picking out the pattern and yarn for my next project!
Thank you for such a fun giveaway!
Well, my favorite way to relax is… putting the kids to bed and not hearing them scream in their room… then turning on the television for background noise… getting out a spindle and just sitting on the couch spinning… it is the best stress reliever :)
My favourite way to relax is to get around the kitchen table with a few good knitterly friends, a big pot of tea and home made cakes/scones and knit and natter a couple of hours away. No kids, dogs, phones etc,…. just good old fashioned talking,…and plenty of laughing too !
Roxyrana on Ravelry.
What a fabulous giveaway.
One of my favorite ways to relax is to curl up on the couch with my two dogs (after they have been on a long walk to tire them out), grab my current knitting or crochet project, click on the TV, and just knit or crochet away to my heart’s desire.
my favorite way to relax is on the couch with a boxer (dog) on either side gently snoring while I knit my latest project, and sip a cup of tea.
I love a to relax with a good movie, blanket and my husband… and is he isn’t home, a cocktail, my knitting and kitties! Thanks for the chance! jayellesea on Rav
what a lovely give away :)
my favorite way to relax is to close the curtains at the end of a day, make a cup of coffee, settle down in my rocking chair and start my knitting ..bliss. I know its not much but to me it is heaven on earth :)
WoolyTanis on Rav
This is a wonderful giveaway!
My favorite way of relaxing is a hot bubble bath with a book. Simple but effective!
Dorothy on Rav.
Great giveaway, thank you :)
My favourite way to relax is to put on a good movie then curl up in the armchair, with a large mug of hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows and fresh whipped cream.
Great giveaway! Thanks!
My way to relax is to put in the earbuds and play something from the disco era–Bee Gees or ELO especially. Shut my eyes and lay back on the couch. No outside sounds, no outside sights, no outside sensations other than music which was made specifically for dancing. Soon I am tapping my feet, bobbing my head, and completely re-energized. I am absolutely convinced no one can be stressed listening to fun music.
I find gardening really relaxing. I can clear my head while deadheading, watching the butterflies and bees amongst the flowers, pulling up little weeds, and then enjoying the fruits (and veggies and flowers) of my labours. That’s the zen of growing things. Can’t wait til spring!
This one is easy. Wrapped up in my hand crochet afghan that my grams made me (its all I have left of her), with a hot coffee close at hand (plenty of creamer), my 10 year old puppy curled up in my lap sound asleep from my giving her ear and/or belly rubs. She makes a good lap warmer. Usually I might have a book handy or a knitting WIP. The hubby is usually banished to the computer room and the TV is unplugged. Just peace and quiet, except for the occasional woof in her sleep from the puppy.
My favorite way to relax is to knit while sitting on the loveseat with the tv off and my dog laying on the other end of the loveseat.
Great idea Rowan KSH (I love it!) and Magic Ball! Brilliant!
My idea of relax is sitting on bed browsing Ravelry and being surrounded by ten different yarns and set of bamboo circular needle and try to swatch six different stitch patterns at the same time. For hours. With a couple of Nespresso espressos by the side. And some dark chocolate too.
My favourite way to relax is with a hot cup of Earl Grey or a hot chocolate, sitting on the couch or a comfy chair, wrapped in a blanket with a book or my laptop to browse Ravelry :)
Thanks for the nice giveaway!
I like to walk at dawn with my dog and see the birds on the shore and the waves rolling. It clears my mind and I can start my day.
Most relaxed time would be with my knitting on my lap, my dog by my side and listening to lovely music. Happy!
Thank you for the generous giveaway. My favorite way to relax is to look at all the wonderful knitting and crochet patterns and the beautiful yarns available for crafters on the internet. I think of all the people I love and the many gifts I dream of creating for them, and am filled with gratitude for the many blessings in my life, and also for the creativity and generosity of spirit I have discovered among the crafting community.
What an awesome giveaway – thank you for running this! :)
After a stressful day of lectures, I like to curl up in bed with my laptop and movie/TV show of choice (usually Downton Abbey), a steaming mug of tea and some chocolate readily available, and my knitting in hand! I also like to use my scented neck cushion, especially in the lead-up to exams, to prevent any tension developing.
My favorite way of relaxing is to curl up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, a mindless knitting project to work on, and a hot cup of mocha. On the tv would be a comedy show to watch while knitting.
Thank you for the give-away. strawberrykid on ravelry
One of my favourite ways to relax is floating on my back in the lake. I’ve managed to fall asleep like that more than once (and I’m not talking about with a floatation device).
My favorite way to relax is with my feet up in the evening, watching television with my husband and knitting a warm shawl or scarf to keep the chill of the desert nights away.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. alyceel on Ravelry
So many fine replies here!
Me, I like to relax by taking a walk around my subdivision late in the afternoon, a ginger candy on my tongue, hoping to see some of the neighborhood cats sitting in their driveways.
One lovely way to relax would be to settle in by a fire on a snowy night with a Harry Potter movie and some knitting. :-)
I like to relax in my chair in front of my computer. Wearing my fuzzy robe is the best and having a space heater to keep me warm definitely helps. I knit and surf the internet. Only thing that would make it better would be for me to have a kitty but unfortunately my lease does not allow it :(
I just found this from your post on Rav. Thanks!
I like to knit to relax. It’s my treat when sitting on the couch watching TV after the kids have gone to bed.
What a great giveaway!! My ideal relaxation is snuggled in bed with my husband and animals and, of course, my knitting!
My favorite way to relax is to snuggle in the recliner with a big cup of Earl Gray, my knitting, and Doctor Who on Netflix.
My favourite way to relax is definitely curled up on the couch, with a plain sock to knit in a lovely yarn, cup of tea and dark chocolate on the table next to me. If I’m not too stressed, then a book is nice too…
It USED to be in the bath with a favourite book, but knitting is better..except the yarn doesn’t like the bath water much….
My favourite way to relax is to go for a long walk by the sea, listen to the gulls and sea lions, smell the ocean, hear the waves break and feel the mist on my face and taste the salt. Pure heaven!
My way to relax after a long, stressful day at work is to take a hot shower with my favorite peppermint scrub. Then I put on some very worn but comfy pj’s, fix some herbal tea, pull out a wip and start knitting. Usually, my Himalayan cat, Socrates, has to sit on the arm of my chair watching and purring to get petted!!
My favorite relaxation is in the sofa with some lovely knitwork or some time in th jacuzzi.
adane59 on rav