It is January 2016, and time to do some planning! People make resolutions at the beginning of a new year, we all know that. I’ve been making monthly resolutions for nearly four years now, and it has stood me in good stead so far. I’ve been a bit slow on it for the last few months as I’ve been super busy, but I did make some resolutions for January, and here they are!
Resolutions for January 2016
A lot of these are ‘finishing up’ from December, and I think they are fairly achievable…
- Finish the ridiculous welly socks for my dad
- Finish up some mittens I’m knitting for a friend
- Start John’s Dr Who scarf
- Knit commission scarf and hat set
- Spin some of my beautiful Australian fibre
- Knit a present for a Big Birthday
- Knit a Christmas present
- Finish the next section of my cross stitch sampler
I see a lot of people setting their New Year’s Resolutions, and these always make me a little nervous. I’m so scared of ‘failing’ that I’m scared to say I’ll do things that I give up within two weeks, and feel as if I’ve completely messed up, can’t do anything and am living life always putting out fires. The reason I started the monthly resolutions was so that I was accountable for smaller things, more regularly, thus making them more manageable.
Overall Goals for 2016
However, there is nothing wrong with planning ahead, and I’m going to try make my monthly resolutions tie in with some goals I have, to try keep some structure and organisation. These are the goals I’ll loosely try link my monthly resolutions to so that when I think about setting my resolutions every month I have a starting point.
- Craft one Christmas present for month so I’m prepared in December 2016
- Organise birthday presents (for direct family) a month in advance
- Do at least 12 craft fairs
- Cross stitch for 10 minutes EVERY DAY
- Knit for at least 10 minutes EVERY DAY
- Spin for at least 10 minutes EVERY DAY
- Finish one of my “Wreck This Journal‘s” (I got another as an anniversary present)
- Sew two garments for myself
- Knit a sweater for myself
Before anybody says I’m crazy for 4, 5 and 6, I’m not going to be super militant about it, but I do notice that when I get ‘out of the habit’ of doing daily crafting, suddenly I will find a month has gone past and I’ve done barely anything. If I can’t do ten minutes of each, I’ll try do ten minutes of at least one so that I get some time in every day of 2016.
I do, of course, have some personal goals, along the lines of be healthier, kinder and better with money, but they’re things I need to work on myself and therefore not for public consumption. I do have a very big announcement that I’m going to slip in here, though. For the first time in five years, I’m no longer taking anti-depressants. It feels like a huge step in a long-term battle, and I’m hoping my mental health keeps getting steadily better.
I’m off to record a new podcast episode (yeah, you heard right)!
Much love,
Corrie xx
Aw congrats with coming off the antidepressants, I hope 2016 is a really positive year for you :)
I like your monthly goals, I think it’s a good way of keeping track of things but not as much pressure as a new year’s resolution
Thank you so much! It has helped me a lot :)