Today I’m here to show you my January 2016 WIPs! This will largely focus on cross stitch, as my knitting WIPs have either ‘converted’ to FOs recently, or are in a state in which I can’t actually take a photograph of them! Read on for an explanation of this ambiguous statement…
Before I get started, I just want to let you all know that there is no Internet at Plutonium Muffins HQ. I have the option of going to my parents office or the local library to get online – both of which options are ideal, apart from the fact that there is so much to do on the farm. If you’ve tried to get in touch with me and have failed, that’s why. We have an Engineer coming round at 8am tomorrow to try sort us out, so hopefully things will be sorted soon
January 2016 WIPs
If I’d done this post last week, my list of January 2016 WIPs would have been longer when looking at knitting. I was powering on this weekend, however, and loads have been finished!
I only have two projects currently on the needles – one is a hat for my market stall, the other is another Fox Stole from Faux Taxidermy Knits*. This will be a gift for a friend who recently bought me the most awesome shoes, and is in 100% acrylic yarn as she cannot wear wool. I’m hating working on it. After years of working with yarn that has a majority wool content, I’m finding the reversion to acrylic tough. (Yes, I could have used cotton or some other non-wool yarn, but we couldn’t find the right colour in anything but acrylic.)
My other knitting efforts are currently involved in designing a hat, scarf and mitten set that takes inspiration from the absolutely gorgeous Dartmoor. I walk here everyday, love every minute of it, and am finding it so inspiring! Watch this space, I’m in the ‘sketching’ phase at the moment!

Cross Stitch
With knitting taking up my afternoons, I’m forcing myself to do some cross stitch every day to make sure I have a break. This is important for RSI, and also keeps me motivated. I have loads of cross stitch on the go at the moment, but two big ones are occupying most of my attention.
Bunnymoon (as I’ve called it) is a baby sampler. This is a Janlynn kit featuring a bunny sitting on a moon, and I’m doing it for a relative who will be turning ONE this year. I’m finding it a frustrating piece of work. The colours are a lot more pastel than I’m used to working with, there’s a lot of white space, and I’m really not sure how much I like stitching on it. I have made good progress, however, and have reached my January 2016 WIPs goal for where I wanted to be in the pattern. I’ll like it once it’s finished, it is cute…it’s just getting there that’s the problem!

This leopard is something I’ve been working on for three years. I’m not even a quarter of the way through. I’ve devised a new way of working through cross stitch patterns (more info here) and am hoping more progress will be made. I’m going to work out my deadline once I’ve done a few more sections, and I’ll either decide to finish it for September or December. This is a Dimensions Leopard’s Gaze Gold Collection kit, and I love it – the main reason it is taking so long is because I keep packing it away to move! This will be the last time.

I’d better shoot before I use up all the Internet at the office! I can’t wait to review my January 2016 WIPs in my next Resolutions post…I’m doing well this month!
Much love,
Corrie xx
*Amazon Affiliate link
Shared with: iknead2knit, Crochet Addict, Super Mum No Cape
The leopard cross-stitch looks amazing.
Thank you! I’m not 100% happy with it, but I’m sure I’ll be happier as I get nearer to finishing :)