
Last month ran away with me – I am so pleased it is June, and new things are happening! My Bloglovin’ feed has 239 unread posts, my email had over 130 new emails to go through, and I haven’t been active on the blog at all! I attribute this to the flat being in a state as I’ve been working on various things. Well, I’ve spent the last two days Sorting Stuff Out, and I can now be in a healthier headspace and physical space. Hurrah!

June has Big Things happening, with a trip to the other side of the world, work for a new client (!) and Plutonium Muffins Ltd. two month birthday! Before I go on to that, here are my May Resolutions results.

I’m having trouble with taking photos at the moment, my phone has something funky going on with it and I need to figure out what this is – so excuse the lack of recent photos!

May 2015 Resolutions

I’m glad I’ve reviewed these, because I was feeling awfully despondent about how little I had achieved. As it turns out, I managed to do more than I thought I had. Hurrah!

  1. Turn the heel on Masokisi – success! After knitting the cuff a bit, I realised how big they were – and had to frog right back to where I started turning the heel. I’ve never swatched for socks before. I may start.
  2. Finish Naloa – success! And it’s super comfy too.

    The full and complete Naloa spread it in all of its glory.
    The full and complete Naloa spread it in all of its glory.
  3. Finish first half of alpaca fibre – success! I’ve also dyed it. It’s pretty :)
  4. Sew together hexipuffs for Tonks – success!
  5. Learn one new technique on my loom – fail…but I did learn more about the fulling process on finished weaves, which I thought was good work on my part. I need to get a new reed so I can weave fingering weight yarns.
  6. Make John’s birthday present – he got a new laptop case!
  7. Make Nico’s birthday present – failed.
  8. Make Mum’s birthday present – failed, but I sent her blank canvases instead, which I hope she will love!
  9. Mend dungarees – failed.
  10. Mend sweater – failed.
  11. Make Tonks a new bed – success – there were enough hexipuffs to make that a new bed for her!
  12. At least 7 hours leisure craft per week – yes, I believe I did.

I tried to be very specific for May, and I didn’t think it had worked. However, as I didn’t do as badly as I thought I had, I will try it again this month!

June 2015 Resolutions

John and I are going to Australia for a month on the 28th of this month! John is best man at a wedding, we are going to see Melanie in Melbourne, and the new baby in Auckland. It will be a busy July – but also preparation for Australia will be important.

  1. Decide which projects are going to Australia – because, travel knitting!
  2. Sew some presents for Baby Oliver – I knitted him Foxy Loxy, but he deserves more!

    A completed, lumpy, perfect Foxy Loxy!
    A completed, lumpy, perfect Foxy Loxy!
  3. Sew ring cushions for wedding – I’ve been commissioned to do this.
  4. Update Etsy shop – I have a lot of stuff to go on Skinny Lizzy…watch this space.
  5. Sort out insurance for Towersey – I have a craft stall at Towersey Village Festival from 28th to 31st August this year.
  6. Correspond with potential spindle supplier – a British wood turner saw me spinning this weekend and was intrigued.
  7. Scour half of the fibre from last year’s birthday – I was given a black fleece of unknown origin, and I really need to get it clean so I don’t lose my chance to use it.
  8. Figure out what overlocker requires – I was given an overlocker/serger last year, and I need to figure out what is wrong with it so I can start using it!
  9. Finish alpaca fibre – I’ve only got black fleece left now, I’m so close!

I think that’s enough to be getting on with for now. Please do come and join the Resolutions Monthly group over on Ravelry if you would like to join in on the fun! Have a great month.

Much love,

Corrie xx

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5 Responses to June!

  1. Miss Manitas says:

    Supercute Naloa shawl

  2. Alina says:

    Love your shawl! The colors are so perfect for summer!

  3. May I make a tiny suggestion? I hope you don’t mind. But don’t mark yourself as having failed if you don’t achieve everything on your list in a month. It doesn’t mean that you have failed at anything, because you did lots of other things on your list and no doubt did lots of other things in the month, they just didn’t make it onto the list in advance! Either cross them off – birthdays that have passed – or just carry them over, but please don’t feel that you have failed because you haven’t! You have done so many great things in May!!!! I hope that June will be wonderful, and that the wedding will be a great time as well as the rest of your trip!!! xx

  4. Zena says:

    That is a glorious shawl! You have accomplished so many good things. We often forget our achievements and dwell on what we didn’t do:)

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