It’s KFYAL time! (Try saying that as a single word…Kfyaaal.) I don’t have a lot of progress to report myself, as I have a story of woe for you, but the thread on Ravelry is going crazy and everyone is getting on really well. First, the woe – then the joy of people doing amazing things.
Corrie’s KFYAL – delayed
In my previous post about the Knit for Yourself Along, I had said I might knit Naloa by Renee Callaghan. I have the yarn, I have the pattern, I have the needles; but I decided this was a very large project for one month, so I decided not to go for it this time. Instead, I frogged about an inch of cuff of Monkey by Cookie A, then started again. I wanted to make sure my tension was still the same as I cast that on ages ago.
Then, my amazing grandmother came to stay and I spent the day after New Year desperately tidying. My stash trunk was opened – no mean feat as it involves moving a printer, my sewing box, my spinning basket, my knitting basket and the N64 – and miscellaneous projects shoved back in. Gran left and now, two days later, I still couldn’t find the project.
I was pretty certain I wouldn’t have stuck it in the stash trunk, but I had looked everywhere and it was nowhere to be seen, so there was only one thing for it. Tonks had a great time as I dived head-first into the trunk. I discovered loads of yarn that I had forgotten I own, and got very excited about all the projects I want to make (I actually removed about four projects worth of yarn from the stash, not the point in the exercise at all). However, no Monkey.
I put everything back, preparing to tell the Resolutions Monthly people that I could not find the project and I would have to do another one. Just as I placed the printer back, I picked up a project bag that was on the floor and full of my quilting sewing. Or so I thought – there were the blooming socks!
What’s that saying? They’re always in the last place you think to look? Darn it! So, no progress on my side to report, but plenty from everyone else.
The Resolutions Monthly KFYAL Progress
I will only post photos as I have none of my own – for more of the news, the KAL starts here.
PixieshBlonde is knitting a beaded hat, Rosalina.
SugarAngel is knitting herself a pair of socks – you can find out more about them here.
Playing yarn chicken – and debating whether or not she ought to go buy more from a shop 75 minutes away – is anromath with a shawl, Spearmint Tea.
A new member, sharmayne has joined in on the FKYAL with a pullover.
kelv is trying out colourwork – and I absolutely adore the progress on her hat.
There are a few more going – I’ll check back next week!
Much love,
Corrie xx
Of course the socks are in the last place you looked. Of course. That’s how this works. You had to go through everything else first! I’m really looking forward to seeing these socks though. That yarn is awesome and you’re going to conquer the pattern for sure.
(Also, you linked to my blog! Thanks so much!)
(I have my own tag on your blog! I feel so special.)