Kirstie’s Vintage Home

The second episode of Kirstie Allsopp‘s new series, “Kirstie’s Vintage Home”, aired tonight. The basic premise of the show, for those who haven’t heard of it, is that Kirstie takes the home of couples who want to improve it in some way. She transforms them using all of her (vast) craft experience and vintage markets/experts, into havens that are inspired by bygone eras.

Kirstie outside her shop.
Kirstie outside her shop.

My dad bought me the book as my graduation present, so I am particularly interested in this series.

Kirstie’s Vintage Home

Today, Kirstie was transforming the home of Janine and Shaun. They had two rooms they wanted improving – their bedroom and the family play room. Some of the stuff that she did was amazing.


The playroom was Janine’s craft-room and the children’s play-room. There were three of the kids, and Janine was multi-craftual. Some of the things that Kirstie helped them do included:

  • Transforming the chairs by painting them delightful bright colours and distressing them.
  • Buying a lovely cabinet for Janine’s equipment – including boxes and wicker baskets, beautiful!
  • Hand-making a trunk for the kids toys (the name on front was Archie! Brilliant!)

It made me go into raptures of “JS, I want one of those!!” I even called him in from cooking dinner! Heehee.


The two adults wanted their room to be less of a child’s play-area and more of a romantic retreat. This was particularly important as Janine had had cancer, and wanted Shaun to have somewhere to relax after looking after her, and also to aid her recovery. They took her wedding veil as inspiration, and did some of the following things.

  • Making a new bed and canopy out of silk and tulle, with the veil at the top. It was incredible, massive, massive want.
  • Creating dip-dyed willow baskets for storage.
  • Bedside tables for plenty of storage beside the bed.

It was absolutely stunning. What I wouldn’t give to have a room like that!

Beautiful flowers.

De-cluttering is something that JS and I really need to do. I can’t wait to move into our own place so I can put some of the things that Kirstie does into action. I really, really want to come up with some storage solutions that are actually practical, but nice to look at too!

Would love this in a craft room.
Would love this in a craft room.

If you are able to access Channel 4 on Demand online, Vintage Home is up there, as well as some of Kirstie’s other programmes. You can buy her DVD’s and books on Amazon. I can’t recommend the Vintage Home book more, I’m absolutely loving it and will definitely be using lots of these skills in the future.

Much love,

Corrie xx

Post Script

All views and opinions are my own, I’ve written this purely out of my own enjoyment of the show! The photos are all snapshots from the book and the copyright belongs to the publisher, author and relevant parties.

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