Hi everyone!
I thought I’d start reviewing apps for knitting — I’m a bit of an iGeek (JS worked for Apple for a while, and taught me all about the joy of apps when I got my iPad for work purposes), so I have tried a fair few! I only have experience with iDevices, unfortunately, so this is a bit of a niche section of the blog — I do have an HTC phone, and if anyone has discovered any apps that don’t drain the battery life immediately, I would be very interested to know!

I first downloaded Knit Counter Lite when I started knitting Grumpy’s Harry Potter wall-hanging. I had a few of those little ones that you stick to your needles — but the knitting was so long on the needle that when I had a knit counter on the needle and I put it all away, I would lose the first twenty stitches! I quickly realised the joys of the app, which was simple and convenient — I normally knit while I’m listening to music, either from my iPod or iPad, so it is always available. I quickly upgraded to the full version.

Basically, you can have a number of projects going at any one time. You can input all the information — pattern, yarn and needle info, as well as notes — and simply touch the big ‘+’ button to add a stitch. If you make a mistake, you touch “Frog”, and at the same time touch the ‘+’, which has turned into a ‘-‘ symbol. The number of projects is limited in the Lite version, but the flexibility of having a huge number of projects going at the same time, with an accurate count, is priceless.

The app is fairly expensive–£2.99–but it’s worth it. It’s revolutionised my knitting. No longer do I have to get to a convenient place within the pattern before I put it down, and I can have a number of projects going. This is really handy, as I get bored of things if I spend too long on them.
Only one negative. It doesn’t have an iPad version yet, and I hate magnifying iPhone apps to 2x. Not such a big deal.
Much love,
Corrie xx