My lovely JS got back from New York today and he brought me presents! I asked him to go have a look in some yarn stores but then reconsidered and didn’t give him any recommendations – so he had to make his own decision and went to Knitty City which is just near Central Park while he was exploring the park.
Before I get on to the yarny goodness, he also bought me a couple of other things – both of which go very well with my interests, and he is a gem. (Gushing over now). Behold…although the pink box is a mug, I haven’t unpacked it because we are moving in a few weeks and I don’t want to unpack to repack to unpack again.
Yarny Goodness from New York
Having small idea about the ins and outs of yarn (although he does call it yarn and not wool), he didn’t really know what to go for. He did call me while he was in there (bless you, Three, for your home away from home plan) and sent me these photos while admitting he was a little out of his depth.
I also had to tell him to stop videoing some poor woman trying to do her shopping while we were on Facetime. Heehee!
He eventually went and asked the shop-keeper for some help, and said he wanted to get his girlfriend some yarn that she couldn’t get in the UK, that is very “New Yorkian”. I think the boy done good – what he came up with is two skeins of hand-dyed Nooch Fiber, which is dyed by students at a nearby art college. They take their colour inspirations from works of art.
JS went for “IGITUR” by Charline Von Heyl because he loved the colours – the yarn and the painting below. It’s 463 yards of sock weight merino/nylon blend, and it looks stunning. I’m almost going to be too scared to crack into it!
He also went for “FLAG” by Jasper Johns, because it reminded him of the American colours red, blue and white – which is handy as it’s based on a painting of the American flag! This one is the same blend as above, so I have 463 yards of it.
I adore my new yarns…but this is where you come in. I want to make something really special out of these – my first thought was a pair of socks, but I’m also terrified of ruining them and I usually use cheap yarn for socks. Then I thought maybe two shawls – but I have no idea of suitable patterns*. Can you help me out?
I don’t want them to languish in my stash – I’d love to make something before winter do cometh. Answers on a postcard? (Or a comment is just fine too!)
Much love,
Corrie xx
* Hooray, a fourth present – an excuse to trawl through Ravelry!
What about some cushion covers with the US flag as the theme for your new flat?