Yesterday, JS and I travelled to Cambridge to see my brother, who has just moved there. Brother, Doc*, lives in a converted garage — the coolest flat I’ve ever seen, and I’m quite pea-green with envy. We took the train up, after a quick violin lesson in the morning, and the assembling of all the colours of the rainbow in yarn.
In order to enter his flat, you have to go through what was the garage door, and as a result, he has a garage door remote. This requires regular battery changes — and in his pocket, the buttons get pressed, which ultimately means the remote will run out of battery more quickly than it ought to.
The request was simple, made on Facey-B in a rather pleasant way.
Can I do a knitting order for you to deliver tomorrow? Small, shouldn’t take long (maybe even the train trip)…need a small protector for my door gizmo thing.
The brief, after we first arrived, was outlined in more detail:
- Stop buttons getting pressed accidentally
- Be able to press buttons deliberately
- As many colours as possible — bright
- Mustn’t get pulled off in pocket
- Must be able to change battery
I wasn’t really sure how I was going to approach it, so I cast on 12 stitches and started knitting in the round. After a couple of rounds I realised it wasn’t going to fit, so I undid everything and carried on with twenty stitches, knitting in 2×2 ribbing. I switched colours every two rows, and as I got to the
end of it, started decreasing until I had six stitches left. I took it off the needle, slipped the top of the keyring into the hole, and sewed it on. That baby isn’t going anywhere.
After sewing in all the different ends, we pulled it down over the remote, and tried it out. It will take Doc some time to work out where the buttons are — but it does work, and in order to remind him which side of the device the buttons are, I embroidered his first initial on in red.
Part Two of my productive day in Cambridge will follow. Any guesses as to what it could be about?
Much love,
Corrie xx