I seem to be getting slightly worse at setting my resolutions on time, but that’s OK, because here you go for my August Resolutions and recaps on July.
Just in case you’re new around here or haven’t set checked out this group before, go have look at the group on Ravelry called “Resolutions Monthly“. We are fairly active, motivating and a generally nice bunch, but more voices are always appreciated. I know it has helped a lot of the members, so here is the shout-out!
July Recap
My three resolutions in July were:
- Finish the baby blanket
- Finish the Luxury Gloves
- Lose a dress size
I finished my baby blanket last week, which was amazing. It was a hard project, but definitely worth it. I’ve sewn in the ends etc, but it still needs to be washed and blocked. Blocking won’t make too much difference but it’s currently a nice off-white colour. Not good.
I finished the luxury gloves basically the day after I set the resolutions. This was a Good Result for me.
I lost some weight – but not a dress size. I’m not too disappointed, I’ve had other things on my mind with the move and so on.
August Resolutions
So this month I intend to do the following:
- Finish Digger
- Spin my purple roving with the drop spindle
- Make significant progress on kittylow
If you read my previous post on WIPs, you’ll have noticed that these are the three main projects I’m working on at the moment. I know we are nearly at the middle of August already, but I have made significant progress on Digger and haven’t really touched the other two projects…oops!
I’m hoping to finish sewing up Digger before next week, although I still need some safety eyes for him which I haven’t purchased yet, and then put some serious work into the other two. The drop spindle is a key element in finishing up the roving, as my spinning wheel is packed for the move already.
Tonight I’m going to my last knit and natter at Hulu, and I’m alternating between excitement and devastation. I’m extremely excited to be going back to London…but I’m very sad that I only got to be with this wonderful group of people for such a short amount of time, and I will be back to visit them in the future!
That’s it from me for today – it counts as a WIP Wednesday post too, hurrah! You can go check out more posts with Tami and Ginny, just click the links at the bottom.
Much love,
Is there a pattern for those mohair gloves?
Yes, it is in Alison Dupernex’s “Beautiful Knits for Heads, Hands and Toes”