Two of my February Resolutions are projects that I am going to be using in the Ravellenic Games. If you don’t know what the Ravellenic Games are, basically, you enter projects that you knit over the period of an Olympic Games (this year it is the Sochi Winter Olympics) into various categories.
There is a lot more information here. I am part of Team Resolute – join us!
Ravellenic Events
This handy infographic, lifted straight from Ravelry, tells us what the events are.
This link will tell you what each of these categories means.
Mitten Moguls
The test knit in my resolutions will be a pair of the “Sands of Time” mitts, which Christine from Harmonic Oscilator Knits has designed. You will see them in due course!
The main event will be:
Mitten Moguls
eventhandsAny items for your hands: a pair of mittens or gloves, with and without fingers, will go here.
These will qualify for two purple events, the Cable Cross-Country and the Stash Skeleton. I’m going to be using some Regia sock yarn I bought years ago and am desperate to finish up. I have made my brother some socks in this yarn, so the mitts will probably go to him when I’m done.
WIPs Dancing
I’m also going to finish the Weasley Sweater in honour of the Games, otherwise it may be delegated to the WIP basket. I don’t have that much extensive knitting to go, but I do have a fair amount of technique stuff to do – i.e. picking up the collar and attaching the sleeves, etc.
The green event category will be WIPs Dancing, and projects entered into this category cannot be entered for another so that is that for the sweater.
Are you participating this year? Have you done any prep? I was intending to do my swatching this week, but things have been so crazy and stressful at work that I just haven’t had a chance to get anywhere near it!
Anyway. I’m ready to watch the Opening Ceremony at 4 pm (GMT) tomorrow, and cast on at the same time. Excited!
Much love,
Corrie xx
Good luck with games, I mean events, I mean knitting! ;-)
I have been busy since last night with my first two projects. I’ll see how they go before I take them further. I love these events, I get so much done.