I’m back from a brief holiday to Sidmouth Folk Festival. You guys hadn’t even realised I’d left, had you?! This blog post is, as a result, a lot less knitting related than normal, and I’m going to use it to catch you up to what is going to be happening around here over the next few weeks.
Sidmouth Folk Festival
JS and I have attended folk festivals for several years together, and this year we have been roped into tutoring with an organisation known as Shooting Roots. We’ve participated in Shooting Roots activities in the past, so heading on down to Sidmouth Folk Festival for a week of tutoring people on how to play folk music (JS) and how to make a band out of junk (me), was a pleasant change to a well-known theme.
We had fun – I made a sort of drum thing that made the loudest noise, and a rainstick, and JS implemented jumping into a performance. We made some great friends, we did a lot of shouting and being generally loud and energetic, and we had a lot of fun! I am still reserved on the issue of camping in the rain, and will be buying a camper van as soon as the bank account says yes!
Dog-Sitting and Moving
For the next two weeks I’m dog-sitting in Devon, while trying to work out the best way to get all my knitting and spinning equipment to London. I’ve moved all the things I need to survive already (except the bread-maker, which I forgot about) and now I need the things I am going to require to live. I’m not sure how I’m going to do it – I think I’m going to have to persuade my strong man to rent a van for me…we shall see what happens!
The dog is called Alfie. He requires a lot of walking, barks at phantoms while we are watching horror films (terrifying!) and is very sweet. Here is he hiding from the phantoms after he’d scared the living daylight out of me!
Towersey Village Festival
From Wednesday 21st to Tuesday 27th of August, I’ll be either preparing for, at, or recovering from tutoring with Shooting Roots at Towersey Village Festival. I’ve talked about this at length before – you can expect another radio silence from me, enforced by lack of power supplies and my computer having no residual battery life!
I do have things planned for Plutonium Muffins in the mean-time. I have an exciting giveaway to launch, and I will be driving forward resolutions, as I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit this month and I need to jump back on it again. Watch this space! I would love you to leave feedback if you’re a silent reader who never says hello – I’ve met a lot of people recently who have said “I read your blog but am too scared to leave a comment”.
Why are you scared?! Pop in and say hi, or you can also head over to Facebook, Twitter or Ravelry. I love chatting, so don’t be shy!
Much love,
Corrie xx