Tag Archives: Christmas 2015

First Ever Christmas Ornaments

I made two Christmas Ornaments for Baby Cara and Baby Oliver this year – you would be forgiven for thinking I only crafted for these two babies, as all of my posts about Christmas so far have been about them! … Continue reading

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Spanish Dress for Baby Cara

One of my favourite Christmas projects this year was the Spanish Dress by Debbie Bliss, a beautiful cotton dress that incorporates a bit of knitting, a bit of sewing, and a lot of cute factor! When I was shopping in … Continue reading

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A Christmas Wooby for Oliver

I’m going to drip-feed you with my Christmas presents from this year, starting with a wooby that I knitted for Baby Oliver! I’m sure this guy will get a fun and entertaining name from the parents before long, but for … Continue reading

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A Baby Hat — Shamrocks and Seagulls

I’ve finished a baby hat project that churned out three FOs, each a version of the same hat designed for a Small Person. This all started out when I messaged one of my oldest friends for a catch-up. In the … Continue reading

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