Tag Archives: Gigantic Blankie

Revisiting the Magic Ball

We were looking at some old posts on Plutonium Muffins last night and found this one on my first magic ball! The story has continued to develop, so I will enlighten you. Before I get started, though, I want to share … Continue reading

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Gigantic Blankie – the final post (for now!)

I have finally, finally, after just ten months, finished Gigantic Blankie! Hurrrah, super happy Corrie – for now! I am still debating knitting another one and joining them either through picking-up stitches magic, or plain ole needle and thread. I … Continue reading

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Progress – Two-At-A-Time Socks & Gigantic Blankie

I had(/have) tonsillitis last week and spent three days at home instead of at work – as a result the commuting knitting time was severely cut down and I did not get as much knitting done as I would have … Continue reading

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Mid-March Resolutions progress report!

So, it’s been a week since I last posted, and you only get a progress report for my March Resolutions. Isn’t that boring? Not really – I’ve been in Berlin for work, and got back to stacks of admin to … Continue reading

Posted in Knitting, Resolutions | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Gigantic Blankie…

Following my adventures at Unravel and seeing the amazing work of Ingrid Wagner Rug & Art Designs, I was inspired to start working on the Gigantic Blankie again. I have been sitting in my room in the evenings working away while … Continue reading

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Unravel 2014

If you follow me on Twitter, you will know all about my excitement for Unravel at Farnham Maltings. Well, the festival was this weekend! I went along with one of the girls from Knit Night at Loop; we got the … Continue reading

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Gigantic Blankie & Tetris Scarf

I have been a bit short of time recently so progress on the Gigantic Blankie and Tetris Scarf has been a bit slow! Last week I was at the World Travel Market, we were puppy-sitting this weekend, and this week … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Knitting, Resolutions | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

Gigantic Blankie

When I had Craft Boss over this weekend, I taught her how to spin and as she practiced I cast on Gigantic Blankie. Gigantic Blankie I had seen this idea in an FO Friday post from Tami’s Amis a few … Continue reading

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