Tag Archives: Monthly Resolutions

April 2017 Resolutions – peach blossom and spinning

Hurrah, a new resolutions post! Back when I started doing my monthly resolutions, I used to be super ambitious. The more successful I was at completing all the things I set out to do, the more I judged myself against … Continue reading

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September 2016 Resolutions

It’s your favourite time of the month – September 2016 Resolutions! Even though I waxed lyrical yesterday about how much progress I’m making in my WIPs, my monthly crafting resolutions are still suffering. I’m struggling to keep up with the … Continue reading

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August 2016 Resolutions – this won’t be a monthly thing!

It can’t possibly be mid-August already! How the heck did that happen?? I couldn’t believe it when I checked the last time I had blogged, and saw it was the 7th of July. The month has been so busy. It’s … Continue reading

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July 2016 Resolutions – all the craft!

I’m tardy on my July Resolutions, I haven’t updated you on my June ones, and I’m just a bit tardy in every respect. Sorry! Work is fun…but oh my goodness I just want to relax when I’m at home. While … Continue reading

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March Resolutions 2016

Every time I sit down to write my March Resolutions, I get distracted. Today, a full week after confidently declaring online for all the world to see that Lambing 2016 was officially over for us, I walked into the field … Continue reading

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Mid-month Resolutions Update: February 2016

It’s a good things it’s time to do my mid-month resolutions as I’m feeling a little lost at the moment. There’s a lot going on here with work, so much crafting to do, and there are also trolls skipping around … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Cross Stitch, Knitting, Resolutions, Spinning | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

February 2016 Resolutions, with a January recap

Oooh I can’t believe it is nearly February 2016 already! Where are the years going? The first time I realised that years had ‘names’, was in 1995. It was the first time I wrote the full date (at the age of … Continue reading

Posted in Cross Stitch, Knitting, Resolutions, Spinning | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

January 2016 Monthly Resolutions Update

I’m ready to review my January 2016 resolutions. I’m trying to be very organised this month, and I don’t know how well it’s going – I should probably be reviewing these every week, but there’s just too much work to do! … Continue reading

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January 2016 Resolutions

It is January 2016, and time to do some planning! People make resolutions at the beginning of a new year, we all know that. I’ve been making monthly resolutions for nearly four years now, and it has stood me in … Continue reading

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Last month ran away with me – I am so pleased it is June, and new things are happening! My Bloglovin’ feed has 239 unread posts, my email had over 130 new emails to go through, and I haven’t been … Continue reading

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