Tag Archives: Plutonium Muffins

Episode Seven: Kiti

In Episode Seven of the Plutonium Muffins podcast I introduce you to the newest member of the family (it may be temporary!), teach you about the difference between woollen and worsted spinning, and discuss the Ouessant sheep. There’s a small … Continue reading

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Zigzag…and an announcement!

Good afternoon from a grey London! As unhappy as everyone is that the weather is getting worse again, I’m quite pleased because I have lots of warm cuddly things that I want to start wearing again – specifically this little … Continue reading

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Happy (2nd) Birthday!

The Etsy giftcard giveaway is now closed! That’s right – today is Plutonium Muffins’ second birthday! We’ve gone from the first ever post to celebratory first year giveaways to pattern publication and the birth of my spinning career. My, it’s … Continue reading

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Designer? Me?

I won tickets to go to the Creatives Stitches and Hobbycrafts Show in Manchester on Saturday, courtesy of “Let’s Knit” magazine. I’m very excited to go – I love talking to people about craft, I’m taking my friend MdB, and … Continue reading

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Is this your knitting?

I’m feeling a bit tired and miserable (physically) today, so I’m not going to write a huge post. Famous last words! So instead, I have a question to ask, which as can be fairly guessed from the title of this … Continue reading

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Plutonium Muffins “Grace” Stitch Markers

I’ve updated the shop with some stitch-markers, which you can now buy on Etsy! They were made from a stash of beads that belonged to Grace, which were given to me. They’ve been hanging around in my bead-stash for years, … Continue reading

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Friday Inspirations – Battersea Cats and Dogs Home

Last week was my first proper crafty Friday Inspirations – this week is the next, with Battersea Dogs and Cats Home supported by DeadlyKnitshade who has designed a pattern for a blanket to support dogs and cats looking for a … Continue reading

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New Project Page — and logo to come!

I hope everyone is having a good day — it is fabulously sunny in London, to follow the amazing weather of the weekend. What did you get up to this weekend? JS, Bethelred, Tobington, Tommy the Dog and me went … Continue reading

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WIPW (2) — Plutonium Muffins

It’s nearly 2 am. It is actually Wednesday — though to me, it’s Tuesday. I’ve been working on the company accounts all day, and nearly all night. I’ve had enough and decided to go to bed…but I can’t sleep until … Continue reading

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