It’s been a while since I posted…again. Argh! I’ve been thinking rather hard about the advantages and disadvantages of employment recently. I’ll be generous and list them out for you here…!
Earning potential!
Having something to do all day.
Talking about nothing but craft for my whole shift.
Meeting lovely new colleagues and members of the crafting public.
The blog is suffering, argh.
This is a rather odd thing to write a blog-post about, I guess. My main regret is that I missed the celebration for the Plutonium Muffins Blogoversary on the 5th of December. This is largely because of the job, and also because our internet here is so sporadic. I haven’t really been able to access it at all recently. It hasn’t bothered me so much, because I’m busy getting ready for Christmas and am sewing and knitting and crafting in all the hours that I’m not at work.

Anyway, I had promised a new giveaway, and I fully intend to announce it. I’m going to do this next week, when I have taken relevant photos. Amongst all the Christmas preparation, Turtle and Mr Turtle have emigrated to New Zealand, JShas been ill with the flu and I’ve also started new medication for anxiety which has knocked me a little bit, so I’m extremely behind!

I’ll probably aim to post at most twice a week from now on (with a gap while I’m away in sunny Zambia over Christmas, although JS might be obliging and post some stuff for me), until things are a bit more steady.

I could do with some advice from those who can sew though. How do I stop this from happening when I’m machine embroidering?

I’ve missed you all!
Much love,
Corrie xx
Hi Corrie, I’ve had a lot of experience with machine embroidery and have seen this problem thousands of times, so I’m sure I can offer suggestions. Essentially you have a tension problem but it looks like a problem with the thread not the fabric. I suggest reverting back to normal sewing on the machine, completely re-threading and then adjusting the tension on the machine so that it’s absolutely perfect on normal straight stitching before you try embroidery. It also looks like you’re using a straight stitch for your machine embroidery. In my experience, the machine doesn’t like that. Try a very narrow and very short zigzag — that should make it better and it will just look like a slightly bolder line. Also, the machine shouldn’t object so much. If none of this works, then email or text or call or something and I can offer some other suggestions. X