WIPW (10) – Dragonfly Jumper

For the third week in a row, my jumper is my work in progress. Note I’ve renamed it the “Dragon Fly” jumper. This is because I finally found the ball-band for the yarn, which I had for some reason stuffed away into the WIP bag. I was desperately searching for it because when I rewound my ball of yarn, it seemed incredibly small and I was revisited by my fear that I would run out of yarn.

In desperation, I emailed Kay from House of Bartlett in St Ives. When I visited the shop while we were on holiday in Cornwall, I noticed that she had the yarn, and I couldn’t remember the name of it. Shortly after she generously sent me a beautifully long reply, I managed to find the ball band and independently find my replacement.

So, thank you Kay – but I am definitely OK for getting the rest of the yarn, if I need it but I really appreciate the help.

The Jumper

So, the yarn the jumper is being knit out of is Wendy Aran with 25% wool, 75% acrylic. The shade is 464, “Dragon Fly”, and described as being a teal colour.

Things are progressing well, although a bit more slowly than I wanted it to! I’ve completed the front and back, and one of the sleeves. I’m one row into the second sleeve, and I have to block the whole thing as well. I’m not sure how I’m ging to do that yet, but I’ll make a plan when it comes to it.

Jumper - one sleeve and a cowl-neck to go.
Jumper – one sleeve and a cowl-neck to go.

I need to find myself some buttons to go on the cuffs – the jumper has three-quarter length sleeves with buttons on them. I’m looking forward to that. I’m going to the Weald of Kent craft show in Penshurst Place this weekend, and hopefully I’ll find some there. Are you or anyone you know going? It would be nice to meet up for a coffee, tea, pint…cake!?

Hopefully next week the jumper will be finished and I’ll be able to get on with something else. I’m loving knitting it – but I’m also looking forward to making some other things. I’ve been organising my stash, and have some really exciting things lined up. I want to knit a shawl!

What are you looking forward to working on?

Much love,

Corrie xx

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13 Responses to WIPW (10) – Dragonfly Jumper

  1. Regula says:

    I would love to come. ;-) Hopefully, you will find nice buttons. The jumber is beautiful.

  2. Michelle says:

    MY GOSH! You’re making rapid progress on the jumper! At this rate, it will be a friday post by next week! I hope you find the perfect buttons!

  3. Tanya says:

    looks great! you’ve made this so quickly! I am super impressed!

  4. Very nice looking sweater. I’ve had very good luck at craft shows finding buttons, so I hope you find exactly what you want :)

  5. Thanks for nice post and sweaters.

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